Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Of School Kids Fighting In A Foreign Land And The Self Esteem Of Our Countrymen

Children are the lights in our dark lives. They spread happiness wherever they go. Whenever you feel sad by the state of this world, you just have to look at children for solace. They can brighten up anybody's day. They have this contagious energy about them which makes us forget about all our worries and refreshes our soul. Children are a gift of God and in fact God speaks to us in the form of children. In this world where people look for reasons to hate each other, children are the ones who teach us to love unconditionally. 

Alright let us cut the crap here. Children are probably the most insensitive of pricks you will find anywhere. There is nothing special about them. A new born baby understandably brings a lot of joy to the parents and their families and the feeling of happiness is unparalleled. However if you set aside your emotions for a minute you would agree that a new born baby looks quite ugly. Its only after a week or two that the baby starts looking cute. Of course some babies take longer. They are constantly learning new stuff and their buffoonery in the process is endearing. Gradually the endearment wears off and by the time they get into those teenage years they mostly become big time pricks. Of course some of them become pricks a lot earlier.

Whatever it is, we as a society should strive to bear them. We should never react to their indiscretions the way we would react to a similar indiscretion by an adult. There is a reason behind laws being different for adults and for juveniles even for the most heinous of crimes. The idea is that children are not really mature enough to understand a lot of things and we should give them the benefit of the doubt. It is because of the lack of maturity that societies try to shelter children from the harsh realities of life. Yes they ought to be disciplined. Whether you prefer to bore them with moral lessons or you prefer going old school by kicking their butt, it is a decision that parents, teachers and anyone unfortunate enough to handle kids has to make. 

Which brings me to the video I found circulating on the internet yesterday. To be honest, I found the video quite funny. Two teenage kids arguing over something outside school and the other kids egging for a fight to ensue reminded me of my school days. I couldn't help being amused when one kid who seemed like the bully because of his size got pumped up by all that cheering and started a scuffle. That sure was one stupid kid. Then unexpectedly the kid who was smaller in size and who seemed like he was being bullied got the better of him in the fight. I couldn't help laughing. It was funny. Here is that video.

In the end it was just a fight between two kids. It should have been left at that but then with internet at the fingertips of every dumb fuck out there, you know things are only going to get dumber. But when things get into the hands of the dumb fucks who can be classified as "Viral content curation & creation" websites, you long for a world where there is no internet. Of course watching porn would be a little difficult but then you are willing to give it up for the greater good of society.

Here is how the various "Content Curation & Creation" websites played out this story

1) The Logical Indian

Well dear dumb fucks at 'The Logical Indian', let me start with your title. "Sikh Kid Retaliates After Getting Bullied In Foreign Land". Now I can't be 100 % sure but if I make an intelligent guess, I would assume that the Sikh kid is in his own country and not a FOREIGN land. Although there is a possibility that his parents are diplomats and that Sikh kid is an Indian citizen but I wouldn't bet my money on it. Then in your description you mention "We have observed in the past many nationals of Indian origin being victims of racist attacks". So in effect you are implying a racist motive to the fight. What makes you come to that conclusion. Don't you have any brains ? Actually don't answer that. If you see the video, nobody was ganging up on the Sikh kid. They were having an argument over something and fought over it. The kids around were cheering for a fight as kids everywhere in the world do when there is about to be a fight. Kids tend to be stupid that ways.

2) ScoopWhoop

"Hey racist, beat it or get beaten". Whoever wrote this, let me just say - wow. Just wow. Well there is always a possibility that maybe it was racist. But then I don't know, I was taught to use tact when making an accusation on someone. I think there must have been some fault in my upbringing. Moreover he is a kid. It doesn't hurt to give him the benefit of the doubt or just letting it pass.
But I guess you made your parents really proud today. Accusing a kid of being a racist. You are what every kid growing up should aspire to be.

3) Storypick

"You Should Never Try To Bully A Desi" and "You should think twice before messing with a desi". Seriously you want to play the desi card out here in a fight between kids. Kids are stupid and lack maturity. Imagine this video reaching out to immature white kids. I bet some of them when they see this title are gonna be like "Challenge accepted". Stand for elections the next time. You guys seem to do a good job in promoting ethnic hatred. You guys should do good in politics.

4) MensXP

Well there is nothing new I want to say. Whatever had to be said has been said above for the other websites. This post has already got so long and I had thought I would skip your screenshot. But your title was the most disgusting of all and I just couldn't skip it. Your title reads "A White Kid Bullied A Sikh Boy.." The title is longer but you had me at "A White kid bullied a Sikh boy". Yes every other website used the Indian connection card to get more hits on their website and promote ethnic hatred but you guys went one step ahead and actually mentioned the ethnicity of the other kid in the title itself. Brilliant stuff. You guys make the whole nation proud. If I was the prime minister, I would award you guys the Bharat Ratna for 5 consecutive years. Also after 5 years I would abolish the Bharat Ratna awards so that you guys would go down in history as the last recipients of this prestigious award as I don't think anyone would be able to match up to you guys for the next 2000 years. 

And lastly for all the people who commented on these links as to how proud you are and maybe secretly fantasizing that the Sikh boy comes as a participant in the next season of Big Boss. Let me tell you one thing - If you get all charged up and swell with pride on seeing an Indian origin kid throw in a few punches and give it back to a white kid, it is just a REFLECTION ON YOUR LOW SELF ESTEEM.

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